When it comes to exotic locations around the world, few places leave you with a sense of wonder quite like Lombok, Indonesia. With beautiful natural beaches, lush greenery, lively forests, and spectacular views of the island from several spots, Lombok is truly nature’s paradise and a perfect opportunity to experience a bucket-list worthy adventure.

Here are the four main activities you may get to experience during the Qunafa travel experience while visiting this lovely Indonesian island: 

  1. Drive through Mekaki to Senggigi Beach:

This 81 kilometer journey takes you across the edge of the island starting from the hidden wonder that is the Mekaki Beach and ending all the way to the iconic Senggigi Beach. While Lombok has plenty of beaches, Senggigi is especially popular as a surfing spot for both locals and tourists alike, from its white sandy beaches to the numerous hotels and food outlets in the area.

  1. Mountain bike your way to the Pusuk Monkey Forest:

For travelers who want to see the wildlife at Lombok, one of the best paths to take is biking across the twisting roads and the breathtaking mountain landscape that leads to the Pusuk Monkey Forest, famous due to its sizable population of wild monkeys native to the island. The forest is home to other animal habitats as well so there's plenty to look forward to on this biking route for animal lovers.

  1. Experience local cuisine:

Being an island, seafood is the staple cuisine in Lombok. However, there's a lot more than just fish and squid to eat. Lombok's residents enjoy a diverse range of locally-sourced dishes unique to the island such as 'Plecing Kangkung' (the region's most popular vegetable dish), 'Ayam Taliwang' (grilled chicken served with chili paste), 'Nasi Balap Puyung' (steamed rice served with shredded chicken, chili paste, soybean, and fried eels), and 'Sate Tanjung' (tuna fish marinated with coconut milk and other spices). So for lovers of meat, chicken, fish, or all things vegetarian there is something for everyone to enjoy from Lombok's local cuisine. 

  1. Explore the world with Qunafa bike tours: 

Biking through Indonesia is both a thrilling and challenging endeavor, which means the quality of your biking equipment is crucial to ensure a safe and pleasant experience. That is why Qunafa bikes are made with the highest quality material with the help of our team and world class manufacturers.

Book the 8 day Lombok experience happening September 2nd to September 8th.





Qunafa Travel